Online Banking
Intercity Online for Business (IOL-B) is Intercity State Bank’s business internet solution. IOL-B provides high performance, 24/7 online banking with features that enhance corporate cash management, e-commerce, and core banking activities.
Features include:
- Real-time account access & review
- ACH Origination, i.e. payroll
- Transaction management and history
- Transfers among accounts including multiple entities
- Employee access and security management
- RDC (Remote Deposit Capture)
- Payroll Direct Deposit (to checking/savings, HSA)
To activate this service for your business, please contact us. We will schedule a meeting with you to gather information about how your business works and how that impacts program setup and security for your financial transactions.
Business Team
Christopher Pfender NMLS #1609307
715-241-0400 email Chris
Kate Tischendorf NMLS #984257
715-359-4231 email Kate

Sue Ann Hintz
Treasury Management Specialist
715-359-4231 email Sue Ann

Ryan LaCerte
Credit Analyst
715-359-4231 email Ryan
Notice: The above email addresses are not a secure means of communication. They are for requesting general information only. Do not send sensitive personal and account information such as your account number, social security number, or password when emailing us using this page.