Checking & Savings

Your business has options.

Choosing the right checking or savings account isn’t always easy. Check out the features and benefits of each, then pick an account built to work with your cash flow strategy.

Checking Options

No-Charge Business Checking Account
If you only plan to have limited monthly transactions, this account is designed with your business in mind. If activity exceeds 99 items for two consecutive months the account will automatically be switched to a regular account.

Regular Business Checking Account
High-volume transactions? This is the account for you. Check images are returned with monthly statements. All charges are offset by an earnings credit based on the rate currently being paid on Intercity State Bank NOW Accounts adjusted each statement cycle on average collected balance. Whenever your earnings credit is not sufficient to offset the charges, a monthly service charge is automatically debited from your account.

View our Bank Services and Fees  for more details.

Savings Options

Commercial Money Market Account
Watch your funds accumulate interest and still have the ability to make limited transactions each month.


You won’t get tangled up in minimum monthly balances or service charges with this account, and you’ll enjoy the conveniences of having statements mailed to you semi-annually.

Certificate of Deposit (CD)
You’ll receive competitive interest rates with maturities from 3 to 36 months.

Business Team

Christopher Pfender   NMLS #1609307
715-241-0400   email Chris

Kate Tischendorf

Kate Tischendorf    NMLS #984257
715-359-4231   email Kate

Kate Tischendorf

Sue Ann Hintz
Treasury Management Specialist
715-359-4231   email Sue Ann

Kate Tischendorf

Ryan LaCerte
Credit Analyst
715-359-4231   email Ryan

Notice: The above email addresses are not a secure means of communication. They are for requesting general information only. Do not send sensitive personal and account information such as your account number, social security number, or password when emailing us using this page.

Commercial Loan Application

Individual Financial Statement