Business Start-Up

You have an idea and a business plan but you need financing to get your idea off the ground. We can help! Intercity will customize lending solutions to start your company and grow the business for years to come.

The planning stages are some of the most critical, as they lay the foundation for your future success. We’ve developed a checklist to guide you in preparing the information necessary for us to make a credit decision. We look forward to reviewing your business plan! Contact us to set up a free consultation.

Business Start-up Financing Checklist

  1. Individual Financial Statement. One for each person who owns 5% or more of the company.
  2. Most recent two years personal Federal Income Tax Returns for each owner.
  3. Most recent two years business Federal Income Tax Returns (if applicable). Current Income Statement not more than 30 days old.
  4. Written Business Plan and 2 years projected Financial Statements.
  5. Current Business Balance Sheet.
  6. Articles of Incorporation or Organization (if applicable).
  7. Organizational Operating Agreement (for other than sole proprietorship).

Start-up Resource Links

Business Team

Christopher Pfender   NMLS #1609307
715-241-0400   email Chris

Kate Tischendorf

Kate Tischendorf    NMLS #984257
715-359-4231   email Kate

Kate Tischendorf

Sue Ann Hintz
Treasury Management Specialist
715-359-4231   email Sue Ann

Kate Tischendorf

Ryan LaCerte
Credit Analyst
715-359-4231   email Ryan

Notice: The above email addresses are not a secure means of communication. They are for requesting general information only. Do not send sensitive personal and account information such as your account number, social security number, or password when emailing us using this page.

Commercial Loan Application

Individual Financial Statement